Wild Americaby Iggy Pop- played 2 times

Statistics for all bands

Live debut by Moistboyz on 5/3/2014 in New Hope, PA
Shows before debut: 1082 (962 with setlist)
Shows since last time played: 297 (288 with setlist)
Average gap since debut: 172 shows
Average gap while active: 56 shows
Played at 0.1% of shows (with setlist: 0.2%)
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#BandDateCity, St/Pr, CountryGapPositionSetPrevious SongNext Song
2 - Miggy and the Spooges02-14-2015New Hope, PA, USAshows since last (gap): 56position: 5 of 11set: Main Setprev song: Raw Powernext song: Search and Destroy
1 - Moistboyz05-03-2014New Hope, PA, USAposition: 1 of 4set: Main Setnext song: Captain America